Diamond Shine 3 in 1 Eco-Leather/Grey Glitter Navicella Silver Fabric/Chrome Frame

sku: JDSSH-03
Diamond Shine 3 in 1 eco -leather / gray fabric Glitter Navicella Silver / chromed frame Junama never stops amaze! We present you shine , latest arrival. The new trio shines pi & ugrave; What ever! to the soft fabric with mini-lines that embellishes the details and the terminus, flanks the diamond base with a mirrored effect, for trio that does not passer & agrave; unnoticed. The coating of the spacecraft and the stroller & egrave; in eco -leather of very high quality; As always Junama is not & egrave; Only aesthetic, the new chassis even more & ugrave; resistant and with further shock absorbers, it is even more more; Practical, safe and light. for the comfort of the child and the practicit & agrave; of parents. Trio Diamond Shine includes: Navicella, Stroller Autoncina car Accessories: Exchange bag The parapoggia Mosquito net Portabiberon Stroller corsa Ovetto Coprigambe


Junama Shine
18 Kg
Zanzariera, Parapioggia , Coprigambe , Borsa, Porta biberon